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Where do I begin with hedge fund website design?

15 December, 2020 · 10 min read·Website design
Where do I begin with hedge fund website design?
So how do you begin to plan your user friendly hedge fund website design or redesign? Keep reading to find out more.

If you are an expert in asset management and need an impressive hedge fund website design you have many factors to consider. Hedge funds or alternate investments need to be immediately impressive, and your web site design will need to be perfect to catch the eye of potential hedge fund investors.

Hedge fund websites need to showcase the experience and professionalism of your previous and planned hedge funds.

They are the perfect way to introduce you to potential investors and clients. has extensive experience of working with hedge fund managers and we know well the pain points, restrictions, and motivations for alternative investments and hedge funds website and marketing requirements.

So how do you begin to plan your user-friendly hedge fund website design or redesign? Keep reading to find out more.

B12: Who are we and how can we help you?

Our valued hedge fund clients come to us due to our experience working alongside asset managers and hedgefund managers to create perfectly compelling web designs.

When you work with a web designer on your web design it is essential that they completely understand the details of your business. Our hybrid system of utilizing the best of AI and our human team of experts will ensure your hedge fund company is portrayed in the right way. Our team is familiar with the world of private equity and investment management and will help your company put together an impressive corporate website.

Our mission is to help your potential hedge fund investors find you

It sounds obvious to say but without finding the hedgefund clients that you need to your website will not be achieving its purpose. There are now over 1.5 million websites worldwide and yours needs to be simple to find and stand out.

AI-assisted search engine optimization (SEO) experts make sure your website reaches your customers, through digital marketing or social media and our designers make sure it’s memorable.

We have created a system to deal with the very specific needs that hedge fund managers have for each of their websites. You will be able to easily manage the content contained on your website.

Your hedge fund website design will allow you complete control over such vital elements as login areas, fund reporting, risk warnings and disclaimers.

In essence, we create customized web designs for money managers and hedge funds to attract accredited investors.

We have various other artificial intelligence products planned for the near future. These will automate various processes for logistics in business. Products under development include invoicing software, project management tools, etc.

Our current market to target includes new or small businesses who are looking to go online. Our emphasis is on highly skilled professionals such as asset managers, lawyers, hedge fund managers, real estate agents, financial consultants, etc.

Therefore if you would like to learn more and try our website editor.

Our aims for your hedge fund website design is here to assist you with developing a more eye-catching brand strategy and hedge fund website design. It will educate your online visitors and help them with their due diligence on their hedge fund choices. It is all an effective strategy to help build trust with your potential hedgefund investors.

Another particular aim of ours when working with hedge fund professionals is to ensure that their website design will maximize investment leads to increase in the visibility of their brand online.

Qualified hedge fund investors require special access to your website

Hedge funds are highly regulated which often means that information needs to be hidden away in a login area.

With our website designs, you can control who has access to Important parts of the site by adding a request access form or a fuller questionnaire for due diligence.

The answers will be sent to you via email, allowing you to decide if the potential investors are suitable for access.

You can ensure security and protecting content with IP detection, login screens, and disclaimers. We will advise you of the best way to achieve this with only a few clicks.

Hedge fund clients often have some special requirements so we have extensively researched their requirements for you.

Allow us at to ensure you have an effective login function on your hedge fund website design so only investors and qualified eligible Investors (QEP) are allowed access to your time-consuming research material.

What needs to be included on a new website for hedge funds?

There are many things to consider about what to include on a new website tailored for hedge funds and to help increase brand identity These include:

Security tools.

These are essential and should include a firewall as standard and other state of the art proactive protection.

Development code.

This encompasses intelligent solutions for data import and export and custom code with tweaks.

Website hosting.

You should ensure that your hedge fund website has a unique IP address, backups, and dedicated or cloud setups.

Proper document systems.

All files should be organized into multiple categories in a simple to use the system.

Content management.

You should have total control over your content and a way to easily edit, add and update page content.

Client Access.

As previously stated, you must have an effective way to restrict access to any sensitive files or information.

Form processing.

You should have an effective system featuring conditional logic that allows you to easily process any simple or complicated date request forms.

Statistics and tracking.

You need to be able to check data usage (such as document downloads), track logins and more.

It is vital that you can know how much your hehe fund is accessed by your investors.

Publish fund data

This is another vital element that should always be included on your website. It is vital to keep any prospects and investors up-to-date. The interaction is important for building relationships and keeping everyone interested.

One of the best ways to do this is to add performance and holding date to your hedge fund website.

You can update the interactive fund performance charts quite easily by uploading a spreadsheet fearing the latest data and your data tables and charts will quickly update.

We can ensure that your website supports multiple share classes and funds so that you can display unlimited data on your website.


If you are a hedge fund or investment manager you need to have an impressive website with great graphic design to impress potential clients.

Getting started and finding the right people to work with can be a challenge, so we hope that you find the information we have given you above useful. To help you maximize the number of people visiting your site each day, we’ve created this playbook for you to design your ideal website and generate viable leads.

With the right research, it is possible to easily put together an impressive and compelling hedge fund website with search engine optimization. The increasing effectiveness of artificial intelligence means the process can be expedited and you can be talking to investors in a matter of days.

Bottom Line?

If you need a top-quality web presence for your new hedge fund and stand out from other investment firms look no further!

We will quickly do your logo design and put your professional website together using our expert team and AI technology.

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