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Launch timeline: How long does it take to build a website?

5 May, 2023 · 5 min read·Website design
Launch timeline: How long does it take to build a website?
Discover the launch timeline of website building in this blog post as we explore how long it can take to create a website. Learn valuable insights from experts and understand the step-by-step process of website development.

Having a strong online presence is crucial if you’re seeking to succeed in the marketplace. A well-designed and functional website can help attract customers, showcase products/services, and ultimately, generate revenue. 

But how exactly do you create a website? The process of website development can seem daunting and complex but it doesn't have to be. In fact, website builders can make the process easier, even for those without technical knowledge. For 59% of businesses, they prefer hiring a dedicated web developer to increase efficiency. While this is an effective option, it can still be worth it to get the basics of website building down. 

In this blog post, we’ll help you understand what it takes to build a successful website. Read on to take a closer look at the various stages of website development to 

Understanding the website-building process

When creating an online presence for your business or personal use, a website is often the first step. A website is essentially your digital storefront, and it needs to be both eye-catching and functional. However, building a website can be a daunting task, especially for those without technical expertise. Understanding the website development process can make the task less intimidating and more manageable.

Website development is the process of creating and maintaining a website. This process can range from designing a simple website with just a few pages to developing a complex site with various features and capabilities.

Website development generally involves three main stages: planning, design, and development, with testing and launch as the final step. Each stage requires a different set of skills and expertise, from web design and coding to content creation and marketing.

The website development process can take varying amounts of time and resources. Factors that can influence development timeframes include the site’s size and complexity, the number of features and functionalities involved, the amount of content required, and the level of customization desired. 

Planning and organization are key to ensuring smooth and efficient website development. By mapping out goals, objectives, and target audience, you can create a clear roadmap for your project and avoid costly delays or mistakes.

Planning phase: defining goals and objectives

When embarking on a new website development project, you need to have a clearly defined set of goals and objectives. This planning phase is critical to the success of your website, as it sets the stage for everything that follows. Without clear goals and objectives, it's difficult to know what you're trying to achieve with your website. Consequently, the end result may not align with your business needs.

The planning phase involves asking some key questions, such as what type of website you want to create. Who is your target audience, and what is your website’s primary purpose? What kind of content will you be featuring on your site? What about web hosting? Once you have a broad understanding of your goals, you can start to work on the specifics, like what pages you need, what functionality you require, and how to optimize the user experience.

A significant benefit of this planning phase is that it allows you to work out potential problems before they arise. Once the website is in the development stage, it becomes more costly and time-consuming to make changes. By setting clear goals and objectives in advance, you're more likely to create a successful website that meets your business needs and resonates with your target audience.

As you work through the questions in the planning phase, you should also consider your competitors and what they're doing right or wrong. This research will provide you with valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in your industry, ensuring you're better equipped to create a website that offers a competitive advantage. Ultimately, it's essential to approach this planning stage with a clear and open mind, as the decisions you make here will shape the rest of your website development process.

Design phase: creating the look and feel of your website

Creating the look and feel of your website is a crucial part of the website development process. The first step is to determine the overall aesthetic and branding of your website. This includes choosing a color scheme, typography, and layout. A good starting point is to look for websites that have a similar aesthetic to what you envision for your website and take notes on their design elements.

Another important aspect of basic website design is the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. UI design focuses on the visual layout of your website, while UX design focuses on the overall user experience, including how easy it is for users to navigate your website and find what they’re looking for. A well-designed website should be intuitive and easy to use, with clear calls to action that guide users through the website.

When designing your website, it’s important to keep in mind that mobile responsiveness is a must-have feature. Mobile devices now make up the majority of internet traffic, so it’s essential to have a website that looks great and functions well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. Your website should be designed with the mobile user in mind, with easy-to-read text and appropriate image sizes.

Once you have a design in place, you can start to build the actual pages of your website. This involves laying out the HTML and CSS elements that make up your website’s structure and styling. If you’re not familiar with coding, it may be worth hiring a web developer to build your website for you. Alternatively, there are several website-building platforms available that allow you to create a website without any coding experience.

Development phase: building and coding your website

The development phase of website creation is where the planning and designing phases come together to build a functional website. This is where web developers work their magic by coding, programming, and implementing the design elements and features. 

The development phase is the most time-consuming part of website creation, and it requires technical skills and expertise. However, it is also the most exciting because it is where the website comes to life and the client can see their vision becoming a reality. When done well, the final product is an impressive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing website that meets the client's business goals and objectives.

This phase involves several steps, including frontend development, backend development, and content creation.

Frontend development

Frontend development involves designing and coding the website's visual elements, such as layout, typography, and graphics. This is where the website comes to life, and the look and feel of the website start to take shape. Developers use HTML and CSS to create the website's structure, style, and functionality. They also integrate JavaScript frameworks and libraries for interactivity and user experience.

Backend development

Backend development focuses on the functionality and interaction of the website with the server and database system. This includes implementing features such as login, search, and shopping cart functionality, as well as integrating third-party services like payment gateways and social media platforms. Developers use programming languages such as PHP, Python, and Ruby to build the backend of the website.

Content creation

Content creation is also an important part of the development phase. Developers work with content creators and copywriters to ensure that the website's content is consistent with the design and brand message. This includes creating and formatting text, images, videos, and other media elements. The content should also be optimized for search engines to ensure that the website ranks well in search results.

Testing and launch: ensuring your website is flawless

The testing and launch phase of website development is critical to the success of the site. Through thorough testing and attention to detail, you can ensure that your website is user-friendly, fully functional, and free of any errors or issues that could impact user experience.


After the website has been developed, it is crucial to test it thoroughly. This includes usability testing to ensure that users can easily navigate the site, as well as functionality testing to guarantee that all features and functionalities work as intended. Additionally, it is important to perform testing on various devices and browsers to ensure that your website is compatible with all platforms.

Checking for links and launching 

Before launching the website, it is also necessary to check for any broken links, incorrect formatting, and other potential issues. This can be done through both manual checks and automated tools that scan the site for errors. Once all issues have been resolved, the website is ready to be launched.

Providing updates and maintenance 

Launching a website is not the end of the development process. Regular updates and maintenance will be necessary to keep the site functioning properly and up to date. This includes updating any plugins or software used to build the site, as well as regularly publishing new content to keep the site fresh and engaging for visitors. This also includes installing security patches and maintaining good SEO practices.

Final thoughts on website development timeframes

When developing a website, it is essential to create a timeline that suits your business objectives and goals. It is important to set realistic goals and timelines to avoid potential delays that can impact your website's long-term success. Your team should also consider how much time it will take to develop and test your website, as well as how much time should be devoted to post-launch maintenance.

So how long does it take to build a website?

The timeline for website development varies depending several factors. These include the project’s complexity, your team size, and available resources. Regardless of the specifics, it is important to ensure that the planning phase, the design phase, and the development phase are all given sufficient time to ensure a successful launch. Additionally, adequate time must be allocated for continuous maintenance and optimization.

Website development involves significant planning, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. Business owners should understand the requirements of each phase of the process, as well as the potential risks and challenges associated with each stage. By taking the time to develop a strong website development strategy, businesses can build a platform that can attract and retain customers over time. Time frames for website development can vary depending on the unique needs of each business, but setting realistic timelines and allocating sufficient resources can help ensure success.

Build and launch a custom website with B12's website builder

A well-designed website can help you stand out as a service provider and attract leads. 

Building your quality website doesn’t have to be complicated or take ages. With B12, launching your custom professional site is quick and painless—in fact, you can see your site go live in just 30 days or less. Whether you choose the DIY route or work with our experts to build your site, we can guarantee a quick launch so you can immediately use it to connect with your audience and gain more clients. 

Use B12 to launch a professional website that delivers the best possible user experience for your audience. Get started launching yours today.

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