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How to design a website banner that grabs attention

5 May, 2023 · 5 min read·Website design
How to design a website banner that grabs attention
Make your website banner stand out with these tips and tricks! Create designs that grab attention and draw in visitors with ease.

Website banners are effective at engaging customers and driving conversions. They offer an opportunity to quickly capture the attention of website visitors and communicate important messages. However, not all website banners are created equal. For instance, banners that don’t use stock photos can increase conversion rates by 45%

In this post, we'll explore the key elements of a great website banner. Additionally, we will provide guidelines for banner placement and tips for A/B testing to ensure your website banners are as effective as possible. Whether you're just getting started with website banners or looking to improve your existing banners, this post has everything you need to create banners that truly stand out.

Website banners

Website banners are an essential element of web design. It is the first thing people see when they land on a website. A banner can convey a message and promote your product or service. It can also create brand awareness. A website banner can make or break a website's visitor engagement rate.

There are different types of website banners, namely static, animated, and interactive banners. Static banners do not have any form of animation or movement, which makes them ideal for simplistic designs. Animated banners contain basic animation, such as a slideshow or fade-in. They work well for businesses that want to showcase multiple products or services. Interactive banners, on the other hand, involve user input or interaction. They can engage customers, offer discounts or free samples, and create brand awareness.

Website banners should be designed with their purpose in mind. The objective of the banner should be to communicate, educate, or persuade the visitor to take action. This could include clicking a button or filling out a form. It could also be simply exploring the website. Website banners should be consistent with the website's overall design and tone to avoid confusing visitors with conflicting messages. Keeping the purpose in mind, it is easier to design elements that can effectively make the message clear and attractive to the visitor.

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Elements of a great website banner

Banners are powerful tools that can influence user perception and drive conversions. To make the most out of website banners, you must focus on the right elements.


The first element to consider is the banner's purpose. A banner should have a clear purpose. Do you want it to promote a product or service or drive traffic to a specific page? Perhaps you want to use it to encourage sign-ups. The banner template should be designed with the target audience in mind. That’s why it should be visually appealing to capture their attention. It's important that your banner aligns with your website’s overall message and brand image.

Size and placement 

Another critical element is the banner's size and placement. Online banners come in different sizes and shapes. For instance, banners for websites and social media profiles have different sizes. It's important to choose the right size for your website. A banner that's too large or too small can be distracting and might not get noticed. You can easily resize your banners by enlisting the help of designers.

Banners should also be placed strategically to ensure that they are visible and easily accessible. Banners placed above the fold or near the navigation menu tend to perform better, as they are more likely to catch the user's eye.


The design of the banner is also critical. A great banner should have a professional and polished look. It should be visually appealing. Plus, it should be easy to read, with a clear hierarchy of information. The banner should have a clear call to action that stands out and encourages users to take action. Using high-quality images, graphics, and other visual elements can also make your banner more attractive and engaging. Overall, the banner's design should be optimized to grab the user's attention and convey the intended message effectively.

Color palettes and typography for web banners

Color palettes and typography play a critical role in determining the effectiveness of a website banner. The color scheme of a website banner should be visually appealing, complementing the website's overall theme. A banner creator should take into consideration the psychology of colors, opting for colors that align with the message they intend to communicate. Different colors evoke different emotions and convey varying messages. For example, cool colors like blue and green are often associated with calmness and relaxation. Meanwhile, warm colors such as red and orange exude energy and excitement.

Typography is another crucial element that can impact the effectiveness of a website banner. Designers should carefully select fonts that are readable, legible, and complement the overall design. Bold and sans-serif fonts, for example, often work best for website banners. Why? Because they are more eye-catching and easily readable, even from a distance. Also consider the size of the font, the spacing, and the contrast between the font and the background.

Contrast is also an essential element to consider when developing professionally designed templates for your banner. The contrast between the banner's background and the text must be strong enough to make the text easily readable. The banner's message and branding must also be clear and easily distinguishable from the rest of the website's content. Using contrasting colors or including a border around the banner can help make it stand out and capture the viewer's attention.

When combining color palettes, typography, and contrast, designers must ensure they align with the website's marketing strategy and primary message. By thoughtfully selecting color palettes and typography that align with the website's overall look and feel, designers can create effective and engaging banners. Consequently, this captures the viewer's attention and inspires them to take action.

Tips for writing the perfect message for a website banner

Keep it short 

When writing the perfect message for a website banner, keep it short and sweet. Your message should be able to convey your point in seconds since banners are typically meant to grab a viewer's attention quickly. To achieve this, you should avoid using lengthy sentences or complex language. Use simple and direct messaging, and keep it under 10 words if possible. Remember that less is more, especially when it comes to website banners.

Make it match your website design

Another tip for writing an effective website banner is to complement your website's overall design and tone. A banner that clashes with your website's color scheme or style can be distracting and may not resonate as well with your audience. Use colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your branding and design guidelines. This will help ensure that your banner fits seamlessly into your website's aesthetic and enhances your overall message.

Use action words

To make your banner message more impactful, consider using actionable language. This can help encourage visitors to take a specific action. For instance, signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or registering for an event. Use clear, concise phrases that inspire action, and make it easy for visitors to follow through. For example, you might use language such as "Sign up now," "Register today," or "Shop our latest collection."

Test your banner

Don’t forget to test different banner messages to see which ones resonate most with your audience. A/B testing is a great way to experiment with different headlines, copy, imagery, and more. Track your results carefully and adjust your strategy based on what works best. By continually refining your website banners, you can create messages that capture attention, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

Effective imagery for website banners

Your banner's image should be eye-catching and original. It should reflect the message you are trying to convey. Images that are too simple or generic will be overlooked in favor of more dynamic or unique imagery. This doesn't necessarily mean that the image has to be complex or busy. Sometimes a single, striking image can be enough to make a banner stand out.

In addition to being visually attractive, the image you choose for your website banner should be relevant and complement the overall message of the site. Let’s say your site is selling products or services. Then using images of those products or services can be effective. If your site's message is more abstract, consider using an image that conveys your site's tone or personality. Whatever image you choose, be sure to keep it high quality. Pixelation and other technical issues can detract from your banner’s impact.

Another important consideration when choosing images for website banners is the context in which they will be presented. Where will the banner be placed on the page? Will it be the only element on the page? Or will it be competing with other images or calls to action? Understanding the context of your banner and its placement on the page can help you choose an image that will be visually compelling and get noticed by your audience.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of imagery in your website banners. The best way to find out what works is through A/B testing. Try different images or combinations of images and compare the results to see which ones are most effective in driving traffic, conversions, or whatever metric you're tracking. Through careful experimentation and analysis, you can find the perfect imagery for your website banners and achieve the results you're after.

Guidelines for website banner placement and A/B testing

Website banner placement is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. It is essential to place your banner in a way that is easily visible. You want it to attract the attention of your target audience. So place the banner at the top of the webpage, immediately below the header. This location is where most users expect to find it. Placing the banner there ensures it remains visible even when the user scrolls down.

A/B testing allows you to compare different banner designs and placements to determine which is more effective in achieving your marketing goals. Testing different variations of your banner design can help you identify the combination that can increase user engagement and conversion rates. You can A/B test your website banner by changing the color palette, typography, imagery, message, or placement, and track the results of each variation.

When conducting A/B tests, keep the sample sizes statistically significant to ensure that the results you obtain are reliable. You should also test one variable at a time and give each variation enough time to run before drawing any conclusions. This way, you can accurately measure how effective each variant is.

It is important to note that A/B testing is an ongoing process, and you should continually test and optimize your banners to ensure they remain effective. As you track the results of your banner placement and A/B tests, you can make informed decisions that enable you to improve your marketing strategies. By doing so, you can guarantee the best results.

Design a quality web banner with B12 

B12 allows you to leverage banners, pop-ups, and other conversion elements to convert website visitors. Any leads you capture are automatically stored in the built-in contact manager, and you can email them directly from B12 as a next step. It's an all-in-one platform to attract, win, and serve clients online.

Launch your beautiful, professional website in 30 days or less with B12. Work with our team of expert designers to help you create a website banner that’s visually appealing and helps improve conversions. Our web designers will help ensure your website banners are properly placed and match your branding and offerings. Sign up for free today. 

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