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10 website design tips to boost conversion rates in 2023

6 January, 2023 · 7 min read·Website design
10 website design tips to boost conversion rates in 2023
Here are 10 tips to help you build a website that captures visitors’ attention and keeps them coming back for more.

The average website visitor will click on and off a website in just seconds. That’s not much time to make an impression! It’s certainly not enough time to convince them that your product or service is worth purchasing. That’s why it’s critical to create a website that goes above and beyond to engage and intrigue your visitors.

You need web design that captivates as well as motivates visitors to convert. Your web design plays a major role in whether a consumer spends time on your site or quickly navigates to another one. Here are 10 tips to help you build a website that will not only capture visitors’ attention but will keep them coming back for more.

10 website design tips to boost conversion rates in 2023


Design for readability

Hard-to-read websites are difficult on the eyes and the mind. Whether or not we realize that we’re squinting or straining to read the text, it’s mentally draining when we can’t easily understand a website’s message.

If a visitor needs to put forth too much effort to simply look at a website, it’s safe to say they won’t be staying long. To fix this problem, use a font that’s simple to read and familiar to the eye, like these:

  • Arial
  • Courier
  • Helvetica
  • Times New Roman
  • Veranda

Another factor in ease of readability is the font size. You’ll want different font sizes for your headers and content. Headers will be naturally larger, while the text is smaller but readable.

Less is more (we promise!)

You may think all that white space on your web page is wasteful. Some people have it in their mind that more is better and will try to overload their website as possible with content. We totally get it. But a long, continuous paragraph that goes on forever is not your friend! Instead, try looking at white space as a commodity rather than a liability.

What exactly do we mean by white space? White space is an area where there’s no text or images. White space includes the place between lines of text, between paragraphs, above and below headers, surrounding images, graphics, and boxes, and along the margins and footer.

Adequate white space eases eyestrain and relaxes the mind. It helps visitors scan a page easily and find what they are looking for faster. This adds up to a more pleasant experience, which means they’re more likely to stay on your website. Too much information on your website makes it look cluttered.

Harness the power of images

Images have the ability to move customers. They possess a power that text alone simply doesn’t have. Often, an image helps define your product or service more clearly. You can use pictures to show how your product works in action. Pictures of your staff are an excellent way to forge a connection with the customer. You can also post images of customers using your product or service. These speak volumes and are great complements to written testimonials.

flatlay of polaroid images

Images also have the ability to connect with people on an emotional level. Yet, you need to use them carefully. You don’t want competing images to confuse your website visitors. Striking the proper balance is necessary to connect with your visitors without overwhelming them. You may find the list of high-quality stock images websites here.

Develop well-written content

Your content is what proves that you’re a professional. If your words can’t keep the consumer reading, they’re gone. Even if your visuals are interesting, if there isn’t helpful text to explain, clarify, or elaborate, your message will be lost.

How can you captivate attention with your website content? Here are several suggestions.

  • Address your audience’s pain points
  • Offer the solution through your product or service
  • Strengthen the language with strong verbs and quality adjectives
  • Go with your instincts
  • Be bold but not foolish
  • Deliver offers and promises that you can keep
  • Use testimonials and stories to prove your point
  • Describe how the product or service works
  • Ask leading questions that help the customer “discover” the answer

Present your value

When prospective customers visit your website, you want to provide them with value. Don’t let them leave your site thinking they’ve wasted their time.

Your website needs the basics, like a description of your services and your business’ contact information. In addition, provide your users with an introduction to the staff, a history of the company, mission statement, and blog posts.

You also should include special offers, such as downloadable e-books, free guides, checklists, “how to” videos, webinar opportunities, and more. You can offer these on your blog and landing pages. The more value that you offer your customers, the more they will look to you as a trusted resource.

Utilize data visualization

Charts and graphs are an excellent way to present the numbers that matter to your business.

graph chart on paper

If your product or service saves customers X amount of time or X amount of dollars over a period of time, a chart or graph can convey this information in a visually interesting, scannable way. Presenting statistics in this type of format will draw the eye. Add some color to your chart or graph for extra appeal.

Enhance your brand image

Your brand image is a key component of your business. It defines who you are and what you stand for. A brand image is defined, as “a mix of the associations that consumers make based on every interaction they have with your business.”

Brand image is developed over time through real and perceived qualities. You can strengthen your brand image by using a consistent theme across platforms and in any advertising campaigns.

Your website design should reflect your business’ brand through its logo, colors, images, and content. If your branding is consistent across all platforms, you’ll begin to gain more product-name identification with consumers. However, if your website is thrown together without considering the brand message, you’re missing out.

Keep it simple

According to Hick’s law, people won’t buy anything if they are presented with too many choices. Although people may like to have some options, they don’t want too many. Hick’s law, sometimes called Hick-Hyman law after psychologists William Edmund Hick and Ray Hyman, states that if people have too many options from which to choose, they won’t choose anything at all. The psychological pressure of making a decision rises with the number of choices given.

Website designers use Hick’s law by limiting the choices on the homepage. Even if you have multiple products or services, it’s best not to list them all out. Instead, use categories for your products. Each category is a link that leads to the page with the items in that group. You can even use subcategories if needed. That way, when a consumer visits your website, there are just a few choices and the chance of them clicking on one of the links is higher.

Provide easy navigation

Whether your website is a simple, single page or multiple pages with a lot of information, you don’t want consumers to lose their way.

For example, if you have several services or products nested within one another, you’ll want links that take the customers exactly where they need to go. However, once they get to their destination, they may change their mind and want to go back and look at a different product or service.

ship navigation image

At this point, you want to make it easy for them to see the other links that take them to the other items. No one wants to have to return to the homepage and start all over again just to check out a different product.

Invest in expert help

Let’s face it, designing a website is a big job. Not to mention maintaining it over months and years as your business grows and changes. Your site deserves careful attention given to optimization as well as design. Professional designers can put together the best possible design based on the needs of your business, customer base, and demographics.

This guide will help small business owners develop a website that successfully converts visitors to customers.

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