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Guide to choosing keywords for your website’s SEO strategy

28 May, 2024 · 8 min read·SEO
Guide to choosing keywords for your website’s SEO strategy
Get started identifying high-functioning keywords to boost your search ranking and the number of visitors to your website.

Choosing the right keywords for your website is like selecting the perfect ingredients for a recipe; they are essential to success. In today's hectic digital market, the right keywords can make or break your SEO strategy, determining whether your site appears at the top of search engine results or gets buried. This article will show you how to search and select the ideal keywords to attract your target audience, increase your exposure, and bring more traffic to your website. 

Choosing keywords is a systematic process that extends beyond popular search terms. It requires researching your target audience's search habits, determining keyword competitiveness, and ensuring your content is relevant. 

This guide offers practical advice, tools, and methods for optimizing your keywords. Finally, you will be able to make informed judgments to improve your SEO efforts and drive your website to success. Let's go in and learn the secrets of how to choose keywords for SEO.

Understanding and using keywords for SEO success

Keywords are words or phrases individuals enter into search engines while looking for anything. These can range from a single word to a significant phrase. Think of keywords as the link between what consumers desire and what your website provides. They help search engines understand your content, ensuring it reaches the right audience. Using the right keywords in your blog posts or product descriptions helps your website appear in Google search results.

Keywords are the fuel that drives traffic to your website. When a user searches for a term, the presence of that keyword phrase on your site determines your visibility in the results. These keywords are necessary for your content to be recovered in a sea of other sites. But keywords do more than just attract visitors—they ensure that the visitors you get are interested in what you offer. 

A clever keyword approach can even help you target local customers, bringing in relevant traffic. However, simply setting your keywords and then forgetting about them is insufficient. To remain visible and relevant in an ever-changing digital market, you must continually update your keyword strategy based on trends and performance data.

Get inside your customers' minds

To select the ideal keywords, think like your consumers. What are they searching for? What difficulties are they attempting to resolve? Understanding their mentality is crucial for successful target keyword selection.

Know your audience

Begin by determining who your audience is. Are they tech-savvy millennials, working parents, or small-business owners? Each group exhibits distinct search behaviors. Understanding these characteristics will allow you to target the appropriate keywords. A busy mom, for example, may look up "quick dinner recipes" because they don't have much time to cook.

On the other hand, a small business owner may search for the "best invoicing software" to manage their finances. Creating detailed audience profiles can help you better understand your target audience. Include demographics, interests, and online behaviors in these personas to understand their needs better.

Uncover their struggles

Consider the issues your clients experience and how your product or service might help. What are their questions? What solutions do they seek? For example, if you run a fitness website, your audience may be dealing with "beginner workout routines" or "how to stay motivated to exercise." Addressing these pain areas directly allows you to develop content that connects with them. 

Use customer feedback, surveys, and reviews to gain insight into their trouble concerns. Social media listening tools can also help you track industry conversations and find common difficulties your target audience confronts. 

Use their language

Pay attention to the terms and phrases that your customers use. This language should inform your target keyword approach. Read consumer evaluations, engage in social media conversations, and join in industry-specific forums. This can assist you understand the terminology and phrases used by your target audience, ensuring that your keywords are relevant to them. Furthermore, employing their language makes your material more relatable and authentic. 

Use tools that reveal what your customer want

Using the right tools can make understanding your audience and their search behaviors much easier. 

  • Google Analytics provides insights into your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors on your website, helping you tailor your content to their needs. 
  • Google Search Console shows which keywords drive traffic to your site and how visitors interact with your content, allowing you to fine-tune your keyword ideas based on real-world results.
  • AnswerThePublic visualizes search queries and questions related to your keywords, giving you a more in-depth understanding of your target audience's interests and search phrases. 

Using these tools, you can acquire vital insights into your consumers' minds, allowing you to select keywords that are both relevant and effective in generating targeted traffic to your website.

Consider customer actions

Getting inside your customers’ minds is an excellent start when it comes to finding keywords for SEO. But to truly succeed, you need to consider what actions your customers are likely to take. By understanding these actions, you can tailor your keyword research to better meet their needs and drive engagement.

Making a purchase

If your customers are ready to buy, they may use search phrases like “buy 'product' online.” These transactional keywords are crucial for product pages because they target customers who are at the decision-making stage and ready to convert. Ensuring these keywords are present on your product pages can increase the likelihood of turning visitors into buyers. It's also helpful to include variations such as “purchase,” “shop,” and specific product names to cover all potential searches.

Learning more about a business

In industries like medicine, customers often research extensively before making a decision. They might search for information about your business, your services, or your industry credentials. Informational keywords like “about [your business],” “services offered by [your business],” or “what is [service]” are essential for blog posts, service descriptions, and about pages. These keywords help establish your authority and build trust with potential customers who are in the research phase of their journey.

Booking an appointment

For businesses that require appointments, such as salons, medical practices, or consultants, customers will use terms like “book an appointment with [service]” or “schedule a consultation.” These keywords should be prominently featured on your contact and service description pages to facilitate easy booking. Including clear call-to-action buttons with these keywords can streamline the process for your customers, making it more likely they will complete the action.

Visiting your store or office

If customers are looking to visit you in person, local keywords become vital. Phrases like “bakery near me” or “dentist in [city]” should be used on almost every page to capture local traffic. Including your address, local landmarks, and directions can also improve your local SEO. Ensuring your business is listed on Google My Business and other local directories can further enhance your visibility to local customers searching for your services.

Strategic keyword placement

Understanding the actions your customers might take will also help you decide where to use certain keywords. For example, if you’re a personal trainer who also sells fitness guides, consider the following strategies:

  • Product pages: Use buying keywords like “purchase fitness guide” or “buy workout plan.” These keywords directly target customers looking to make a purchase and should be prominently displayed on pages where transactions take place.
  • Service description and contact pages: Use booking keywords like “schedule a personal training session” or “book a fitness consultation.” These keywords should be integrated into your service descriptions and contact information to make it easy for potential clients to take the next step.
  • Service pages and about page: Use informational keywords to describe your services and expertise, such as “learn about personal training benefits” or “meet our certified trainers.” These keywords help build credibility and inform potential clients about the value you offer.
  • Everywhere: Use localized keywords like “personal trainer in [city]” to attract local clients. Including these keywords across your website ensures you appear in local searches, which is crucial for businesses that rely on local clientele.

By considering customer actions and strategically placing relevant keywords, you can create a more effective search engine optimization strategy that drives meaningful engagement and conversions. Tailoring your approach based on what your customers are likely to do ensures that your content is relevant and accessible, leading to higher satisfaction and better business outcomes.

Take a peek at your competitors’ keywords

Checking out your competitors' keywords can be a treasure trove of ideas. Unless you're in a super niche market, you have competitors whose strategies you can learn from. Start by looking at the websites of local businesses. Skim through their content and spot the keywords they're using. If you see the exact keywords popping up across several sites, they might be worth considering.

Looking to expand your reach? Examine the industry leaders. Their keyword strategies can provide valuable insights. However, it's crucial not to simply mimic popular keywords. You must ensure that these keywords have a sufficient monthly search volume to be beneficial to your business.

Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can help you determine how often people search for specific keywords. These tools give you data on search volumes and competition, making it easier to decide if a keyword is worth using. While seeing what works for your competitors is helpful, constantly tailor your keyword ideas to fit your unique audience and goals.

Create a comprehensive list of keywords

Building a comprehensive list of keywords is the first step in developing an effective strategy. This list is the foundation of your SEO operations, directing everything from content generation to optimization. Without a good keyword foundation, your content may miss the mark and fail to attract the intended audience. A carefully developed list ensures that your website talks in the same language as your target visitors, making it easier for search engines to connect your site with people searching for exactly what you offer. 

Start with brainstorming

Begin by brainstorming a variety of relevant keywords related to your business, products, or services. Consider what your potential consumers would enter into the search field to locate you. List broad terms, precise phrases, and comprehensive long-tail keywords. Don't filter yourself; just get it all out. If you own a bakery, for example, consider using terms such as "artisan bread," "gluten-free cookies," or "best bakery in [city]."

Use a keyword research tool

Once you've compiled your list, you can dig deeper with keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These tools provide data on search volumes, keyword difficulty scores, and similar terms that you may not have considered. They may reveal high-opportunity phrases that fit your aims. For example, Google Keyword Planner could suggest that "vegan chocolate cake recipe" has a high search volume but low competition, making it an excellent choice for targeting your content. 

Analyze search intent and prioritize

Consider the search intent associated with each keyword. Are users looking for information, preparing to purchase something, or looking for a local service? Understanding this allows you to determine where each keyword best fits in your text. Combine related terms and prioritize keywords based on search volumes, relevance, and competitiveness. 

Informational keywords are best suited for blog posts, whereas transactional keywords should be highlighted on product pages. Maintain a dynamic keyword list that is regularly updated based on performance data and trends to ensure that your SEO efforts are practical and relevant.

Using a combination of difficult-to-target and easy-to-target keywords

There's no one-size-fits-all formula for balancing your SEO efforts between high difficulty and low difficulty keywords. Focusing solely on challenging keywords can lead to slow results because of the intense competition. When many sites compete for the same terms, convincing Google and other search engines to rank your site highly takes time. Plus, focusing on these competitive keywords can cause your PPC (Pay-Per-Click) costs to skyrocket if you're using paid advertising.


Incorporating difficult keywords into your plan is essential, but they must be balanced with more basic phrases. Keywords that are easy to target and have low competition will help you rank higher faster and save money on PPC. For example, targeting a term like "budget-friendly home improvement tips" can produce faster results than simply "home improvement." These early wins increase traffic and credibility while you concentrate on rising the ranks for more difficult keywords.

As you create your keyword list, it might seem overwhelming. Remember that some of these keywords can be used immediately. Save the extras as a backup. If some of your chosen keywords do not perform as planned, you will have alternatives in place. Regularly assess and change your relevant keyword ideas based on performance data to remain ahead of trends and satisfy the needs of your target audience.

Experimenting with keywords to refine your approach

Experimenting with keywords is vital for refining your SEO strategy. SEO is a continual effort, not a one-time event. Keep a flexible and adaptable mindset. Test different relevant keywords to see what works best, then tweak your strategy accordingly.  This hands-on approach will keep you ahead of the competition and ensure your material remains relevant and entertaining. 

Maintain an open mind and be eager to try new things. Unexpected possibilities can help you fine-tune your plan and better engage with your audience. Keep up with the latest SEO trends and technologies, and be prepared to shift direction if necessary. This proactive, dynamic approach will increase visitors to your website and foster long-term success.

Take your SEO to the next level with B12

Ready to improve your website's SEO strategy and increase traffic? B12 is here to help. With our expert assistance and cutting-edge SEO tools, you can easily select the relevant keywords and efficiently optimize your content. Our proven strategies ensure your website stands out in search results, attracting the audience you want. Don’t let your site get buried in the vast sea of the internet—partner with B12 today.

Sign up and discover how we can help you build an optimized web presence that makes you discoverable to potential clients. B12 provides the tools to create SEO-friendly content, establish a strong online presence, and boost your visibility. With B12, you can watch your website climb the search engine ranks and achieve greater success!

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