How to see someone's like history on Instagram and more

How to see someone's like history on Instagram and more

Want to know how to see someone's like history on Instagram? Find out here, plus more tips and tricks to improve your profile and engage your audience.

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How to see instagram story without them knowingHow to see instagram story without them knowing

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  • In this video I'm going to tell you how you canview people's Instagram stories secretly that means if even if you view theirInstagram story they won't know that you have viewed it so without any furtherado let's get started first of all I will add an Instagram story to my fakeaccount or to my dummy account which I have created for testing purposes so Iwill just add a random story so I will name it random story click on done andupload the story so as you can see that I have added the story to my dummyaccount now you have to go to play store and search for an app call story saveyou have to download the first tab which appears it has a blue logo and it hasmore than 500000 download it also has a Google creating of 4.4 which is a verygood rating this app will not only let you see the Instagram storiesanonymously or secretly but it will also let you download the Instagram story soyou can view those Instagram stories even when they have expired so it is avery good app after the
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  • Today I'm gonna be showing you how you can see the insides of your post I hope because how many people say you did how many people saw it and how people liked it everything I'm gonna show you so for example let's go to my profile okay she you gotta follow me okay this meant username right over here and if you want to know how I probably got these you better watch my video which I'm gonna put the link right over here it's gonna pop up in the screen right now and let's get into the video first so this is my post one and you're going to view inside okay so if you don't get that option you gotta go to your profile but it should be in the business one okay so this and create a profile to a business when you came I'm gonna show right over here you gotta go to the stockings and business item this thing you you see right over here switch back to personal account okay so if you said if you are in a personal Congo your savings right down until you see
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  • welcome back the spoon eat country back another exciting episode of AI geeks vlog so basically guys in this video we're taking a look at really exciting topic so basically guys many of you might be or are currently using Instagram and basically Instagram is one of the biggest application which is used to share and explore photographs of photograph wars of the people around the world so basically you can find many of the people or your favorite youtubers on basically Instagram so let's go ahead and search for geeks block o IG this blog is also there on Instagram so do make sure to follow us on Instagram at AI geeks block so that you can catch out some really great updates on Instagram so alright so guys now let's take a look at what the topic we're discussing in this video so basically the topic for this video is that how to check which all Apple photographs or the pictures you have liked over Instagram so basically this is a really exciting topic so I guess let's always any bit of time and get right into this video so let's get started so guys in order to
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  • How to see posts you liked on Instagram Open your Instagram app Tap on the profile tab in the bottom navigation Tap on the 3 lines Tap on the settings gear Scroll down and tap on Posts You've Liked DONE How do you find your liked posts on Instagram
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  • If you would like to use these filtered photos on your brand’s social media platforms, Instagram can actually be used to edit photos — without posting them
  • To do this, first make sure “Save Original Photos” is turned on in the app settings by going to your profile page and clicking the Gear Icon in the upper right corner and scrolling down to “Save Original Photos”.Upload and edit the photo like you normally would, then turn on airplane mode and attempt to publish the picture
  • Whether you’re following other brands for content inspiration or trying to stay up to par with competing companies, it’s actually possible to receive notifications when a particular user posts new content (no compulsive checking necessary).To activate these individual notifications, open one of the target user’s posts and click the 3 dots located in the top right corner, and select “Turn on Post Notifications”
  • In order to see all posts you’ve been tagged in, go to your profile and click the person icon in the bottom right corner
  • This photo map categorizes all the pictures you’ve posted by the location you uploaded them from — information gathered and attached by Instagram
  • To privately share photos from other public accounts, open the post, and select the curved arrow icon near the likes and comments section.
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  • The Instagram algorithm was introduced to help surface the best, most relevant content to each user every-time they check their feed
  • When the algorithmic timeline was announced, Instagram mentioned that it would show you content that you’ll likely be interested in first: The order of photos and videos in your feed will be based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting and the timeliness of the post
  • The order of photos and videos in your feed will be based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting and the timeliness of the post
  • This implies that recent posts likely rank higher in your feed and that the timing of your post is still relevant
  • In a June 2016 announcement about the feed ranking algorithm, Instagram stated the following: And no matter how many accounts you follow, you should see your best friend’s latest posts
  • An Instagram spokesperson also told Business Insider that profile searches are a signal Instagram looks at when ranking posts in your feed
  • Instagram might then rank their posts higher on your feed so that you don’t have to search for their profiles to see their posts, improving your Instagram experience.
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  • There are also several other ways you can use Instagram’s Search and Explore for your business — finding the best hashtags to use, engaging your fans, and finding influencers to collaborate with
  • In this post, you’ll learn all the ways you can use Instagram’s Search and Explore to help your business success on Instagram
  • To get featured on Instagram’s Search and Explore, try these four ideas: For your posts and stories to appear in a search result, you’ll need to add a location tag or hashtags to your post
  • (I thought it might be worth mentioning again that you’ll need to include a location tag or hashtag in your post for it to appear in a search result.) Here’re a couple of tips for creating content that could become a top post: Instagram features the top live videos in the Search and Explore tab
  • The third way is to search for relevant location tags and hashtags and check out the top posts’ profiles
  • The fourth way is to use the Explore section which curates the most relevant Instagram posts for your account based on factors such as the people you follow and the posts you like.
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  • It offers a new way to watch and interact with longer videos in a vertical format, that was consolidated with Instagram Stories
  • Any Instagram user has access to IGTV content
  • Just like Youtube, you can chose having your own channel, or only watch the video content posted there
  • Just like youtube content, IGTV consider that someone visualized the video when it watches at least 3 seconds
  • Instagram announced on an interview that users cannot post violent content, that presents nudity, discrimination or hatred, just like your native app
  • To start uploading videos and create your own content on the platform, you must have one channel, but that’s super easy to do! After uploading the video, one icon is created on your profile, Just like one Stories Highlight
  • Beyond acces IGTV by his independent app or directly by Instagram, you can also watch and upload videos on your computer
  • Until now it’s impossible to watch all the channels like it happens on your cellphone, at all tabs
  • On your cellphone, get into IGTV, click at your profile and access the channel
  • On your computer, access the Instagram web and choose the video on the IGTV tab.
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  • Here’s how to use special characters in your Instagram bio using Microsoft Word: You can pour a lot of love and energy into creating the best captions for your Instagram posts, but isn’t it annoying when Instagram removes your line breaks from your text? How to hide your hashtags in your Instagram caption: Did you know that you can add up to 10 hashtags for each your Instagram story posts? By adding an Instagram hashtag to your story, you’re giving your content an added chance to be seen by new audiences
  • Here’s how to add a link to your IGTV video from Instagram Stories: Just like Instagram posts, engaging with your community is important to build your IGTV channel
  • If you know exactly what or who you’re looking for, use the search bar in the middle of your screen to type in a username or a keyword like “travel” to find IGTV channels
  • Want to share (and show off!) your IGTV videos with Instagram Direct or add it to your bio? With Later, you can create a shoppable website that looks just like your Instagram profile, but with one key difference — every image contains a link.
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