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Best and worst features of ChatGPT 👍 👎

8 November, 2023 · 1 min watch·Video articles

ChatGPT is a popular AI language model with great features, but it has some drawbacks. Learn its best and worst features.

ChatGPT is a large language model that has been praised for its various capabilities, including content creation, complex tasks, and even coding. But what is ChatGPT best at, and what are its limitations? Here are some of its best and worst features:

Best: GPT4: The latest iteration of the model, GPT4, can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy. It can even accept both text and images as input, so you can feed it plots, graphs, and other visualizations for better results.

Plugins: ChatGPT offers a variety of plugins to extend its capabilities.

Code interpreter: This feature allows users to upload files like a CSV, Excel spreadsheet, or SQL database and give you insights into the data.

Worst: Many users say the keyboard shortcuts aren't very useful. Lastly, ChatGPT does not provide complete privacy and will remove your chat history. But overall, ChatGPT is a great enhancer of productivity and worth trying out.

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