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What report shows the percentage of traffic that previously visited a website?

20 May, 2023 · 5 min read·Traffic generation
What report shows the percentage of traffic that previously visited a website?
Learn about the report that shows the percentage of traffic that has visited your website before. Discover how this information can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy and boost user engagement.

Have you ever wondered how many of your website visitors are returning visitors? Knowing this information is crucial for understanding your audience's behavior and optimizing your website accordingly. 

In this blog post, we'll answer the question: what report shows the percentage of traffic that previously visited a website? We will also explain how Google Analytics can help you track return visitors and provide step-by-step instructions on how to access the report that shows the percentage of traffic that previously visited your website.

Understanding what a return visitor is and the importance of tracking return visitors

Tracking return visitors is essential because it provides insight into user behavior and how users interact with your website. Repeat visitors indicate brand loyalty and interest in your content, products, or services. It can also show if your marketing campaign is effective or not. The amount of returning visitors can provide valuable information into the effectiveness of your website, its design, and its content in meeting user needs.

Tracking this metric over time allows you to determine whether the website maintains visitors’ interest and engagement. Additionally, the data can highlight potential problems or opportunities for growth, such as identifying popular content or usability issues.

In most cases, retaining an existing customer is more cost-effective than attracting a new one. Therefore, by identifying returning visitors and analyzing their on-site behavior, marketers can create better-targeted campaigns to drive audience loyalty, engagement, and even referral marketing.

Return visitors are often valuable for eCommerce websites, as they are more likely to convert, have higher cart value, and make more frequent purchases than new visitors. Tracking the percentage of traffic that previously visited the site can also provide insights into the visitor’s journey, including the channels they come from and the pages they interact with.

Clear definition of what a return visitor is

A return visitor is someone who has visited a website at least once before. Compared to new visitors, who are making their first visit to a site, return visitors are more familiar with the layout and content of the site. They may have established a relationship with the site or its brand and are more likely to be interested in making a purchase or engaging with the site's content.

Explanation of how return visitors can impact website traffic

Return visitors can have a significant impact on more traffic to your site. They tend to spend more time on the site, view more pages, and have a higher conversion rate than new visitors. Because they are already familiar with the site, they are more likely to visit again. This can lead to increased website traffic and an overall improvement in the site's search engine rankings.

Return visitors are a valuable asset for any website, and tracking their behavior can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of an online marketing strategy.

Stay tuned for the next section to explore how Google Analytics can track return visitors and the different reports available to measure them.

Google Analytics reports

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking website traffic and visitor behavior. It provides a wealth of data that can be used to optimize your website and marketing campaigns. One important metric that Google Analytics tracks are return visitors. In this section, we'll discuss how Google Analytics can track return visitors and the reports available that show return visitor data.

Tracking return visitors

Google Analytics uses cookies to track visitor behavior on your website. When visitors first land on your website, cookies are placed in their browsers. This cookie stores information about the visitor, such as their unique ID and the time and date of their visit. When the visitor returns to your website, Google Analytics checks for the cookie and identifies them as a return visitor.

Reports that show return visitor data

Google Analytics provides several reports that show return visitor data. These reports can be found under the Audience > Behavior section of the Google Analytics dashboard. The reports include the following:

  • New vs. Returning Report: This report shows the percentage of new vs. returning visitors to your website.
  • Frequency & Recency: This report shows how often visitors return to your website and how long it's been since their last visit.
  • Engagement: This report shows return visitors' engagement level compared to new visitors.

Benefits of tracking return visitors

Tracking return visitors can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your website and marketing campaigns. By understanding the behavior of return visitors, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your website and attract new visitors. Return visitors are often more engaged with your website and more likely to convert, so tracking their behavior can help increase conversions and revenue.

The behavior report

The behavior report is a Google Analytics report showing how users navigate a website. It provides insights into visitor behavior on a website, including how they interact with certain pages and their actions while browsing.

Understanding the behavior report

To access the behavior report in Google Analytics, users can navigate to the "Behavior" tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard. From there, they can select "Behavior Flow" and "Site Content" to view different sections of the behavior report.

The behavior report includes a variety of metrics, including the number of sessions, pageviews, and unique pageviews for each page on the website. It also provides information on how long visitors spend on each page, how deep they navigate the website, and how frequently they return.

Finding the percentage of return visitors

Users can navigate to the "Behavior" tab and select "New vs. Returning" from the drop-down menu to see the percentage of traffic that previously visited a website. This report will show the percentage of visitors returning to the website for a second or subsequent visit.

By analyzing the percentage of return visitors, website owners, and marketers can better understand their audience and their engagement with the website. They can use this information to optimize the website for return visitors and to tailor their marketing strategies to target this audience.

Other reports that show return visitor data

Aside from the Behavior Report, Google Analytics offers additional reports to track return visitors. These reports provide more in-depth insights into how often users return to your website, their behavior, and what pages they mostly interact with. Here are some of the reports that you can use:

Frequency & Recency returning report

The Frequency & Recency Report lets you see how often users visit your site and how many days it takes before returning. This report shows daily, weekly, and monthly user data, making it easier to identify how frequently users interact with your website. With the information provided in this report, you can adjust your website's content to suit your users' preferences.

Engagement report

The Engagement Report reveals how long visitors spend on your website and which pages they navigate to the most. It is essential to analyze user engagement to understand their interests, preferences, and why they choose to return to your website. This report breaks down user sessions, duration, and bounce rates to help you improve user engagement on your site.

User explorer report

The User Explorer Report offers a more granular view of individual users' behavior on your website. By analyzing individual user data, you can see which pages they visited, how long they stayed on each page, and what actions they took during their session. Use this report to identify high-value users and create targeted marketing campaigns to secure their loyalty.

Cohort analysis report

The Cohort Analysis Report segments users by their first visit date and tracks their returning report behavior over time. This report helps you analyze users' retention rates, behavior, and engagement patterns. With this report, you can identify what pages drive the newest and returning users, their behavior on your site, and how you can improve user engagement.

In conclusion, these reports provide valuable insights into how users interact with your website. Using the data in these reports, you can optimize and adjust your site to create a better user experience. Analyzing return visitor behavior on your website can help you refine your marketing strategies, improve user engagement, and boost overall site traffic.

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