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How can small businesses address skills gaps?

30 June, 2023 · 5 min read·Small business basics
How can small businesses address skills gaps?
Learn how small businesses can address skills gaps by implementing practical strategies and training programs to enhance employee skills and competencies. Discover how to overcome skills challenges and create a skilled workforce that drives business growth.

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. But they often struggle with difficulties in attracting and retaining the right talent. Skill gaps are a common problem that small businesses face. In fact, nearly 60% of workers need to acquire new skills to perform their jobs. But this can be addressed effectively with the right strategies. 

The key to success lies in understanding what skills are in demand and identifying where the gaps exist. It’s about developing appropriate training programs and strategies that can help businesses bridge these gaps.

In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of skill gaps. Keep reading to know what they are and how small businesses can address them. 

Skills and the skills gap

Skills are the abilities and knowledge required to perform a task or job successfully. The skills gap, on the other hand, refers to the mismatch between the skills employers need and the skills employees possess.

The 10/-9 rule and its relation to skills

The 10/-9 rule is a concept coined by McKinsey and Company which suggests that by 2030, demand for high-skilled workers will outstrip supply by 10%. On the other hand, the supply of low-skilled workers will exceed demand by 9%. This highlights the increasing importance of acquiring the necessary skills. This is so you can bridge the skills gap and be successful in the future.

Identifying in-demand skills and skills gap analysis

Identifying in-demand skills is crucial for small businesses to remain competitive. Let’s take for instance the healthcare, technology, and finance industries. These sectors require employees with specific skills. These include data analysis, digital marketing, and programming. Skills gap analysis helps identify the specific skills a business needs and the skills employees currently possess. This analysis helps identify gaps in skills and knowledge and aids in the development of training programs to bridge the gaps.

Challenges of addressing the skills gap

While addressing the skills gap is essential for small businesses, several challenges hinder their efforts. Technology and the marketplace are constantly evolving. This means that businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to be successful. Access to training and development opportunities can also be an issue. Especially for small businesses with limited resources. However, it is vital for businesses to recognize the significance of addressing the skills gap to remain competitive.

Importance of addressing skill gaps

Small businesses must have a workforce with the necessary skills required to succeed. Skills gaps can pose a significant challenge for businesses, and it is essential to understand the importance of addressing them.

Significance of workforce skills and most in-demand skills

Workforce skills impact a company's success. So employees must have the necessary skills and knowledge required to perform their jobs efficiently. The most in-demand skills vary from industry to industry. Technical and digital skills are some of the most sought-after skills.

Consequences of a lack of skill and skill gap issues

A lack of skill or skill gap issues can negatively impact a business's productivity, quality, and overall performance. Employees who lack the necessary skills will struggle to complete their jobs efficiently, leading to poor productivity levels. It can also result in poor customer satisfaction levels, reducing revenue and profitability.

The skill gap issue origin and its impact on businesses

Over time, the skill set requirements for businesses have changed drastically. Unfortunately, not all employees can keep up with the rapid pace of change. This leads to a significant skill gap issue. This issue's origin can be attributed to various factors. These include technological advancements, economic changes, demographic shifts, and globalization. If left unaddressed, this issue can hinder businesses' growth. This can make them less competitive in the market.

Identifying skill gaps

Identifying the skill gaps within a company is crucial for businesses to address their workforce's needs effectively. Skill gap analysis is the process of identifying the discrepancies between the skills required for a job and those possessed by employees. Here are some ways to identify skill gaps within a company.

Conduct surveys and interviews

The first step is to conduct surveys and interviews. This helps you gather feedback from employees about their skills, strengths, and weaknesses. This feedback will help identify the areas where employees lack skills, and employers can customize training programs accordingly.

Review job descriptions

Employers can review job descriptions. This is so they can identify the skills required for each position. By analyzing the roles and responsibilities, they can determine the skills needed to perform the job and identify the gaps in employees' skills.

Analyze performance data

Monitor performance data, such as sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, and project management metrics. This can provide insights into how employees are performing. This data can help identify employees who are struggling with specific skills and help create development plans to improve their performance.

Use skills assessment tools

Skills assessment tools can measure employees' proficiency in a particular skill. These tools include tests, simulations, and assessments that can evaluate employees' skills objectively. By analyzing the results, employers can identify the areas of improvement and design training programs to bridge the skill gap.

Identifying skill gaps is the first step toward addressing workforce skills issues. By gathering feedback from employees, reviewing job descriptions, analyzing performance data, and using skills assessment tools, businesses can create targeted training programs to improve employees' skills and address skills gaps effectively.

Addressing skill gaps

Small businesses need to address skill gaps to remain competitive. Failing to address skill gaps can lead to reduced productivity, low morale, and poor customer service. Here’s how businesses can address skill gaps and improve their workforce.

McKinsey address

McKinsey's Skill Shift report recommends that companies address skill gaps by upskilling and reskilling their employees. Upskilling refers to training employees to improve their existing skills, whereas reskilling involves training employees to learn new skills for new roles. This approach is beneficial for both employees and businesses because employees can obtain new knowledge and skills while businesses have improved staff performance and productivity.

Gap training

Gap training is another strategy that businesses can use to address skill gaps. Gap training involves identifying the difference between an employee's existing skill set and the skills they need for their job. By identifying these gaps, businesses can design training programs to address their employees' weaknesses. Gap training can be conducted through online courses, workshops, seminars, and certifications.

Most important skills for the next 10 years

Businesses need to anticipate the most in-demand skills for the future. Based on research, the most important skills for the next 10 years include creativity. Other skills include complex problem-solving, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and people management. Businesses should invest in training programs that address these skills. This is to ensure their employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills for the future.


Another way to address skill gaps is by outsourcing jobs that require specialized skills. Outsourcing can provide businesses with access to skilled labor. All without having to hire full-time employees. However, outsourcing can be expensive. It may not always provide the best quality of work. Alternatively, businesses can also consider partnering with other companies to share resources and knowledge to address skill gaps and improve their workforce.

In-demand skills for the future

Industries are rapidly evolving and new technologies are emerging. That’s why businesses must adapt and keep up with the most in-demand skills. Failure to do so can result in a significant skills gap. This could lead to decreased productivity and ultimately, business failure.

Identifying the most in-demand skills for 2023

Research shows that the most in-demand skills for 2023 will include digital skills. For instance, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. Additionally, soft skills will be highly valued. These include creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking. They are essential for navigating complex situations and problem-solving.

Talent gap analysis and its relation to skill gaps

Conducting a talent gap analysis is crucial for identifying skill gaps within a company. This analysis involves comparing the skills a company currently possesses to the skills necessary for future success. A talent gap analysis helps businesses understand where they fall short and identifies where they should focus their training and development efforts.

Required skills and expertise for future success

How can businesses succeed in the future? They must focus on upskilling their workforce. This means training employees in the most in-demand skills as well as developing their soft skills. Additionally, businesses must prioritize hiring individuals with the necessary skills and expertise.

Importance of addressing skill gaps for future success

Adapting to the rapidly changing industry landscape helps businesses remain competitive and successful. Addressing skill gaps ensures that businesses have the necessary workforce skills to navigate new challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Failure to address skill gaps results in decreased productivity and lack of innovation. It also hinders a business's ability to attract and retain top talent.

How to combat skills gaps

The skill gap issue is particularly acute in America. Companies are struggling to find qualified candidates who can meet their job requirements. 45% of small businesses reported that they were unable to find qualified candidates for job openings. This is based on a National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) survey. This issue is not just limited to small businesses. Many larger companies also face challenges in finding skilled workers.

The skill gap issue is not going away anytime soon. We see the workforce becoming more technology-centric and specialized. So the skills needed to succeed in the workforce are also changing. Let’s take, for instance, a research by the McKinsey Global Institute. They say by 2030, up to 375 million workers globally will need to change jobs or learn new skills. This will be due to automation and artificial intelligence.

Addressing the talent gap issue

To address America's talent gap issue, companies need to focus on developing talent internally by upskilling and reskilling their existing workforce. Employers should identify skill gaps in their current workforce. They should invest in training and development programs for their employees. They should also provide support for certification and credentialing that align with industry standards.

Alternatives to address skill gaps

Another way companies can address the skill gap issue is through outsourcing and partnering with educational institutions. This is to ensure graduates are well-prepared to meet the job market’s demands. Additionally, bridging the gap between education and industry is crucial. This ensures a future workforce equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the job market. By investing in people, companies can become more resilient and adaptable. And they can tackle challenges presented by a rapidly changing economy.

Make your small business thrive with B12

Addressing skill gaps can help you position your business for success. Another way to make your small business thrive is by making sure you have a strong online presence with automated workflows that save time. With B12, you can make sure that your business and services are visible to the right audience, and that your team is working efficiently from a centralized platform. 

Use B12 to establish your small business online and get everything you need to sell services. Get started today for free in 60 seconds.

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