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What do small business owners think of generative AI?

16 April, 2024 · 2 min read·AI
What do small business owners think of generative AI?

GoDaddy's recent survey of 504 U.S.-based small business owners in January 2024 reveals a significant shift in how they view and use generative AI. From a mere 38% adoption rate in spring 2023, usage has soared to 73%, indicating growing comfort and enthusiasm among small business owners about the potential benefits of AI. Most owners don’t see AI as a threat to their jobs, with only 10% fearing that AI could outperform them.

The survey highlights that generative AI is primarily enhancing small business operations by aiding in tasks such as content creation for social media and boosting sales, allowing owners more time to focus on direct customer interaction and other business activities.

This demonstrates that generative AI is seen more as a supplementary tool rather than a replacement for human workers. Here at B12, we've built generative AI into our platform, so it can help users draft email content, blog posts, entire web pages, and more. It's a great starting point, but still needs your unique voice and expertise infused in it.

Regarding employees' concerns about AI taking over their roles, the findings suggest little need for worry. The average small business anticipates saving over $4,000 and 300 hours annually with AI, which is not equivalent to replacing an employee’s role. Instead, workers are encouraged to embrace AI to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in their jobs.

The survey also sheds light on the perceived competitive edge provided by AI, with 75% of entrepreneurs believing that generative AI grants them a significant advantage. AI website builders like B12 offer tools and resources to maximize the technology without overwhelming users. Plus, we're backed by human experts to help you with website customization and advice when you need it.

Best ways for small businesses to use AI

One of the standout points from the GoDaddy survey was just how much small businesses expect to gain from using generative AI. It's clear from the findings that 75% of entrepreneurs see this tech as more than just a handy tool—it's practically essential for staying competitive in today's market. The rapid increase in AI adoption among small businesses really underlines how crucial they believe it is for survival.

Where can small businesses really make their mark with AI? Here are five key areas to explore:

  1. Administrative tasks: Generative AI is a game-changer for mundane work like data entry, document generation, and crafting emails for different audiences. It's all about making those time-suck tasks more manageable.
  2. Content creation and marketing: Many small businesses find it tough to churn out good marketing content. Generative AI can take the sting out of this challenge. According to survey data, 64% of small business users report that AI-generated marketing content is top-notch. From perfect blog posts to on-point social media updates and ad campaigns, AI can kick things off with style.
  3. Customer experience: AI chatbots can engage your customers in real-time, answer their questions, and even help out with sales. These tools have AI prompt libraries that offer ready-to-use responses, making customer service smoother.
  4. Data analysis: AI can really shine by predicting trends, analyzing customer data, and breaking it down into useful categories like preferences and demographics.
  5. Boosting sales: AI can tailor recommendations by analyzing past purchases and browsing habits or even by keeping an eye on market trends and competitor prices to help you nail the right pricing strategy.

Use generative AI in your web design

In summary, the uptick in AI adoption among small businesses is driven by its perceived value in enhancing operations and competitive positioning, not by a desire to replace human workers. As AI continues to evolve, small businesses are encouraged to stay informed and adapt to leverage AI effectively, ensuring they maintain a human touch in their operations.

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