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Tips to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly

24 February, 2023 · 15 min read·Email newsletters
Tips to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly
This blog post provides helpful tips for creating emails that work well on mobile devices. Learn how to optimize the design, content, and layout of your emails to ensure they are mobile-friendly.

Businesses need to ensure that their emails are responsive, given the rising usage of mobile phones and tablets. Up to 80% of individuals will discard an email that isn't compatible with their mobile screen! The likelihood of your email template being effective and driving engagement is low if it appears poorly on your audience's mobile devices.

To guarantee that your message reaches the proper audience, this article will offer practical advice on creating emails for mobile devices. We'll cover topics like optimizing your email layout, creating a responsive email, keeping subject lines short, using bigger fonts, and maximizing pre-header text. With these tips, you can ensure your emails stand out and suit both mobile users and desktop users.

Introduction to designing emails for mobile users

The world of email marketing is constantly evolving, and with the growing prevalence of mobile devices, it’s never been more important to design emails tailored to mobile devices. Optimizing email design for mobile devices can help ensure higher open rates and better engagement with your audience.

Tip #1: Optimize your email layout

Email designing for mobile devices is essential for businesses that want to reach their audiences most effectively. To ensure the best user experience, email marketers must optimize the layout of their emails for mobile. 

When designing emails, it’s important to keep your layout simple and avoid using too many columns, nested tables, and other complicated structures that can be difficult to read on smaller screens. Instead, opt for a single-column layout with clearly defined sections and plenty of white space. Your readers will find it simpler to read and navigate your emails. Also, using larger fonts can make it simpler for mobile users to read your emails.

It’s also important to ensure your emails are optimized for multiple devices and operating systems. Test your emails on various devices and platforms to ensure your design looks and functions properly, no matter what device your subscriber uses. Plus, when optimizing your emails for mobile, don’t forget to include a “View in Browser” link. This link will increase your open rates and let your subscribers view the email on their browser if they'd like. 

By including this link, you can ensure that your subscribers can view your emails how you intended, regardless of their device. These pointers will help you ensure your emails are mobile-friendly and increase your chances of success.

Tip #2: Keep your subject lines short

One of the most crucial pieces of advice when designing emails for mobile is to keep subject lines brief. Mobile devices have a limited amount of space for emails and subject lines, so it’s important to ensure your subject lines can fit in that limited space. You should keep your subject lines to around 40 characters or less. This will ensure that when someone views it on a mobile device, the subject line is clear and compelling. Additionally, shorter subject lines can be easier to scan and understand, which can help your emails stand out and get more clicks.

It’s also important to use words relevant to your message in the subject line. This will increase the likelihood that the recipient will open your letter. Consumers will be better able to understand the email's topic if you use terms like "sale," "discount," or "savings" in the subject line of an email. In addition to keeping your subject lines short and relevant, you should also ensure they’re eye-catching. You should also avoid using all caps, making the subject line look aggressive and unprofessional. 

Moreover, ensuring the subject line is clear and concise is important. Sparingly using simple words or expressions might help the reader understand the information.  Plus, you should limit the number of exclamation points you utilize because too many may make the message appear spammy. By ensuring that your subject line is clear and concise, you’ll be able to ensure that your emails stand out and get more clicks.

Tip #3: Maximize the pre-header text

Designing emails for mobile allows brands to reach more people, but it also has some unique challenges. One of the most important tips to consider is maximizing the preheader text. This text appears after the subject line in a mobile email inbox and can be used to encourage readers to open the email.

The preheader language should complement the subject line and be succinct and direct. This is an excellent method to persuade recipients to open your email and discover more about your company. Also, it's crucial to guarantee that the preheader text is readable on all mobile devices.

You can accomplish this by including the text as an HTML snippet or in the first line of the email body. This will ensure that readers on all devices can see the text and be encouraged to open the email. Moreover, you should also test the preheader text before sending out emails. You can use an email preview tool to ensure the text is visible and optimized for different devices. This will also help you identify potential issues preventing readers from seeing the text. By testing and optimizing the preheader text, you can ensure your emails are mobile-friendly and drive more readers to open them.

Designing emails for mobile-friendly success

Designing emails for mobile-friendly success requires attention to detail and a good understanding of how mobile devices display emails. You can employ a few tricks to ensure your emails look fantastic on every platform they are viewed on. Keep your subject lines short, optimize your email layout, use bigger fonts, and maximize the preheader text.

With these tips, your emails are more likely to be engaging, relevant, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly. To boost the look of your emails, consider a platform like B12.

With B12, you automatically get email templates that match the design of your website and align with your branding. They're automatically generated for you, so you spend no time messing with email design yourself. B12 even offers prewritten email messages that you can personalize to fit your firm and audience.

Get high-quality email marketing built into your online presence with B12. Launch a professional, branded website in 30 days or less with everything you need to attract, win, and serve clients. Start today!

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