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How to write better email subject lines for your business

27 April, 2023 · 5 min read·Email newsletters
How to write better email subject lines for your business
Learn how to grab your audience's attention with effective email subject lines for your business. Get tips and tricks for crafting subject lines that drive open rates and engagement.

Email subject lines are the gateway to a successful email marketing campaign. In a cluttered inbox, a subject line can make or break whether or not a recipient decides to open an email. That's why it's crucial to understand the best practices for crafting effective subject lines. 

In this blog post, we'll discuss:

  • How to tailor subject lines to your target audience
  • How to be concise yet impactful
  • How to use powerful language and emojis
  • How to test and measure success through A/B testing

By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to apply these practices to your own email strategy and see a boost in open rates and conversions.

The importance of email subject lines and best practices

Communication is key in any relationship, be it personal or professional. Regarding email communication, the subject line captures the reader's attention and conveys the email's intent. After all, a good subject line can be the deciding factor when it comes to whether an email gets opened or sent straight to the trash folder. Therefore, it's essential to craft email subject lines that are effective, concise, and engaging.

A great email subject line should create a sense of intrigue or urgency that demands the reader's attention. This could be achieved by posing a question or hinting at the contents of the email with a short, punchy phrase. The tone of the subject line should always remain welcoming and respectful, while at the same time, being authoritative and informative. Above all, the subject line should convey a sense of value to the reader, whether knowledge, entertainment, or value.

Tips on making better email subject lines

The subject line of an email is the window into what's inside. Therefore, as a marketer or a communicator, it's crucial to employ best practices when crafting your email subject lines. In the rest of the article, we will delve into how to personalize, be concise, use powerful language, and measure success regarding email subject lines. By implementing these strategies, we can help our emails stand out from the crowd and achieve their intended goal.

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Know your audience: Tailoring email subject lines for your target market

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make when crafting email subject lines is failing to tailor them to their target market. To make your email subject lines more effective, you need to deeply understand who your audience is and what they want.

Consider their motivations, the issues they are attempting to tackle, and their language as you start to categorize your audience. Consider using different tones or language in your subject lines for each segment.

Personalization can also be a powerful tool when tailoring email subject lines. Many email marketing platforms allow you to dynamically insert the recipient's name, location, or other personal information into the subject line. This can help your emails feel more relevant and increase the likelihood that they will be opened.

Finally, remember that your subject lines must align with the content of your email. If your subject line feels like a bait-and-switch, subscribers will likely get frustrated and mark your emails as spam. By tailoring your subject lines, you can ensure your emails feel valuable, relevant, and aligned with your audience's needs.

Short and sweet: The art of being concise in email subject lines

Being concise means cutting out unnecessary words and getting straight to the point. It's crucial to remember that people only have a little time to read through their inboxes. So, staying brief and getting the main point across as quickly as possible is best. Aim to keep the subject line under 50 characters, so it appears in full on mobile devices.

Another important factor in writing an effective email subject line is avoiding fluff words. Exciting, fantastic, or incredible are examples of words that might be spammy or fake. Instead, focus on words that convey urgency or add value to the reader, such as 'limited time,' 'exclusive,' or 'don't miss out.'

Lastly, it's important to remember to always be truthful in the email subject line. Avoid clickbait subject lines that promise more than the email can deliver. Dishonest subject lines can lead to a decrease in trust between the brand and the recipient, ultimately leading to the recipient unsubscribing from future emails.

In conclusion, being concise and authentic are important elements of writing effective email subject lines. Staying away from fluff words and keeping them short and to the point will help the subject line stand out in the recipient's inbox. Always be truthful in the subject line, so trust is not broken between the recipient and the brand. 

Make it eye-catching: Using powerful language and emojis

Email subject lines often serve as the first impression of your email. To ensure that your emails are opened and read, it is essential to craft subject lines that grab the recipient's attention. One effective way to do this is by using powerful language and emojis. Using powerful language can amplify the message of your email and create a sense of urgency or excitement that entices the recipient to open the email. On the other hand, emojis add visual interest to subject lines and can help convey emotions or tones that words cannot.

However, it is important to use powerful language and emojis sparingly. Overuse can make your subject lines seem spammy and unprofessional. When using these elements, it is also crucial to consider your brand's tone and voice. For example, if your brand is known for its formal tone, using too many emojis may not be appropriate.

Using powerful language and emojis can enhance your email subject lines, but it is important to use them in moderation and consider your brand's tone. By testing and measuring their effectiveness and making adjustments, you can improve your email open rates and drive more engagement with your content.

Testing and measuring: Tips for A/B testing and analyzing email subject line success

Regarding email subject lines, A/B testing is one of the most effective ways to gauge their success. This involves segmenting your email list into two groups and sending each group the same email but with different subject lines. You can then compare open rates to see which subject line was more successful. The key is to test only one variable at a time, such as the length of the subject line or the use of emojis, so you can accurately determine the cause of any differences in open rates.

Another important testing aspect is determining the best time to send your emails. Depending on your audience, different times or days of the week may be more effective for open rates. Experiment with different send times and analyze the results to see when your audience is most receptive to your emails.

In addition to A/B testing, analyzing the success of your subject lines can also involve tracking other metrics, such as click-through rates or conversion rates. This will give you a more holistic view of how your subject lines influence your email marketing strategy and what changes must be made.

Remember that email subject lines are crucial to your overall email marketing strategy. Continuously testing, measuring, and analyzing their success will help refine your techniques and ultimately achieve better results in engaging your audience and achieving your business goals.

Taking action and applying the best practices to your own email strategy

Email subject lines are vital components of any email marketing campaign, and everything you do to improve your email subject lines can significantly increase email open rates. In this article, we have provided some best practices for writing effective subject lines, focusing on tailoring them to your target market, being concise, and making them eye-catching. These tips help you create subject lines that resonate with your audience, grab their attention, and encourage them to open your email.

Remember that your subject lines should be customized for your target audience, so get to know them by learning about their wants, preferences, and pain areas. Use the advice in this article as a starting point, but wait to stop testing until you identify the best approaches for your audience. By following these best practices and taking action to optimize your email subject lines, you can achieve better engagement, higher open rates, and ultimately more conversions.

Establish your online presence and automate emails with B12

B12 is the all-in-one platform to establish and manage your professional web presence. Get access to email templates that automatically reflect your branding, prewritten email messages you can customize and send in seconds, and automated email workflows for payment reminders and appointment confirmations. You'll save time while still making a polished first impression on leads and clients.

Get high-quality email marketing, online scheduling, SEO, and email automation built into your online presence with B12. Launch a professional, branded website in 30 days or less with everything you need to attract, win, and serve clients. Start today!

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