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Can AI fix website accessibility issues?

22 August, 2024 ·AI
Can AI fix website accessibility issues?
Discover how AI can help fix website accessibility issues by identifying and addressing common barriers, enhancing user experience, and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.

As more of our lives move online, making sure websites are accessible to everyone has become crucial. For the over a billion people worldwide who live with disabilities, accessibility isn’t just a bonus—it’s a necessity. Beyond being fair and inclusive, it’s also required by law. Standards like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) outline what websites should do to be accessible. But can AI really help solve this problem?

Common accessibility problems on websites

Creating an accessible website means making sure people with disabilities can navigate and use it smoothly. This includes those with visual, hearing, cognitive, or physical impairments. It’s not just about adding alt text to images. True accessibility covers everything from screen reader support to keyboard navigation.

Some common issues include vague link descriptions, videos without captions, hard-to-read color contrasts, and pages that don’t work with screen readers. These barriers frustrate users and can also lead to legal trouble. Fixing these problems has traditionally required specialized knowledge and time-consuming manual work.

AI’s impact on improving accessibility

AI can help by automating many of these tasks, offering scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes. AI tools, using machine learning and natural language processing, can automatically detect and fix some of the most common accessibility issues. For instance, an AI might scan your site and identify missing alt text for images, offering suggestions for what the text should include. In more advanced cases, AI can improve color contrast, ensure keyboard navigability, and suggest simplified language for better readability.

But that’s not all AI can do. It checks color contrast to make sure content is readable for those with visual impairments. It can also improve how smoothly people navigate a site using just a keyboard. Additionally, AI can offer language suggestions that simplify content, helping non-native speakers and people with cognitive disabilities. By integrating AI, businesses can make their websites more inclusive and easier for everyone to use.

Examples of AI tools that help

Several AI-driven tools are available to improve website accessibility:

  • AccessiBe: This popular tool automatically scans and adjusts websites to comply with ADA and WCAG standards. It offers real-time fixes like screen reader enhancements and keyboard navigation improvements.
  • Allyable: This tool provides automated testing and remediation for accessibility issues. Its AI identifies problem areas and offers recommended fixes while also providing continuous monitoring.
  • UserWay: UserWay offers an AI-powered widget that helps users customize their experience on your site. The tool allows visitors to adjust things like font size, color contrast, and even screen reader compatibility.

These tools can simplify some aspects of website accessibility, but they aren’t a one-stop solution. The AI’s ability to understand context, intent, and nuances is still limited, making manual checks by human experts necessary in most cases.

The limits of AI in accessibility

AI has clear strengths, like handling repetitive tasks and analyzing large amounts of data. But it’s not flawless. For example, while an AI might generate accurate alt text for an image, it might miss the specific message or nuance intended. Similarly, AI might suggest color adjustments that meet guidelines but don’t fit a brand’s style.

Compliance doesn’t always equal usability. Even if an AI tool says your website is compliant, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s fully user-friendly. Testing your site with actual users who have disabilities is still a key part of the process.

Blending AI with human insight

Combining the efficiency of AI with human expertise delivers the best results. AI can take care of the initial tasks and quick adjustments, while experts concentrate on enhancing those solutions to provide a more meaningful experience for users. This method is especially practical for small businesses that need to address accessibility without overspending on time or resources.

With B12, AI quickly drafts a website, giving businesses a strong starting point. Afterward, there's an option to work with a human designer to refine your site, ensuring it truly reflects your brand and objectives. This blend of AI speed and human understanding makes for a website that connects well with your audience.

Why AI-enhanced accessibility is a good investment

Ignoring accessibility not only alienates potential customers but also opens the door to legal risks. Recent trends show an increase in lawsuits related to inaccessible websites, and fines can be substantial. Moreover, making your site accessible broadens your audience, improving user experience and brand reputation.

Investing in AI tools for accessibility makes sense because they offer a cost-effective way to stay compliant while enhancing user experience. With ongoing updates, these tools continuously adapt to new standards, ensuring that your site remains accessible as guidelines evolve.

AI and the future of website accessibility

While AI can’t solve all accessibility issues on its own, it offers significant advantages in identifying and addressing common problems. By combining AI’s speed and efficiency with human expertise, businesses can create truly accessible websites that serve all users effectively.

As more organizations recognize the importance of accessibility, AI’s role in this space is likely to expand. For those looking to get started with a more accessible and user-friendly website, B12 offers an AI-driven platform that simplifies web design and content creation while ensuring accessibility features are integrated from the ground up. Get started with B12 and take the first step toward a more inclusive online presence.

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