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AI for marketing: Game-changing tools for business success

26 July, 2024 ·AI thought leadership
AI for marketing: Game-changing tools for business success
Discover how AI can transform your marketing strategy. Learn about the latest tools and techniques to boost sales, engage customers, and drive business growth.

Data is running the show these days, and it's completely reshaping how we market products. Artificial intelligence is leading the charge, giving marketers an incredible tool to really understand their customers. Marketers are using AI to create super-personalized experiences and run campaigns that actually work

The numbers don't lie. AI in marketing is expected to explode from $12 billion in 2020 to a whopping $108 billion by 2025. This isn't just a trend. It's the future of connecting with people. Let's explore how AI is changing the game and where it's headed.

The evolution of marketing with AI 

Back in the day, marketing was all about guesswork. TV commercials, radio jingles, and billboards were the main tools in the toolbox. It was like shouting into a crowded room, hoping the right people would hear you. In essence, everyone got the same message because of the one-size-fits-all approach. 

Integration of AI into marketing

Artificial intelligence started making waves in digital marketing around the early 2000s. First, it was all about automating tasks like sending emails and managing customer lists. Then, in the 2010s, the floodgates of data opened. Marketers were drowning in information about people, and AI was just the thing to make sense of it all.

ChatGPT burst onto the scene in the 2020s. It showed us just how fast AI could evolve. Suddenly, everyone was talking about it. ChatGPT changed the game for customer service and unlocked a whole new world of creativity. It was like a glimpse into a future where AI is part of our everyday lives.

Current state

AI isn't some far-off sci-fi dream anymore. It's a real-world tool that's helping businesses get smarter and more personal. AI can crunch through mountains of customer data to find hidden patterns, sort people into groups with similar tastes, and send out hyper-targeted messages.

How is AI used in marketing?

Customer insights and analytics

AI uncovers hidden clues about what makes customers tick. It can quickly sift through mountains of data to understand what people want and why.

  • Predictive analytics: Tools like Altair and IBM Watson Studio help marketers predict the future. They can forecast what customers will want next, create personalized offers, and even spot problems before they happen.
  • Customer segmentation: AI can group people together based on their interests and tastes. This way, marketers can send out invites that people actually want to open. Some examples of AI-powered tools for segmentation are Mailchimp and Pecan’s Predictive GenAI. 
  • Behavioral analysis: AI tools like Convizit track and analyze customer interactions across multiple touchpoints, revealing patterns and trends that inform more strategic decision-making.

Personalization and customer experience

These days, it's all about treating customers like individuals, not just numbers. And AI is helping make that happen.

  • Personalized content recommendations: By studying what people do online, AI can recommend products, articles, or whatever that matches their interests. Braze and Insider are just some of the AI tools you can use for personalization. 
  • Dynamic pricing strategies: AI acts like a smart price adjuster, constantly tweaking prices based on what people want, what competitors are doing, and how much people are willing to pay. It's like having a personal financial advisor for your business, making sure you get the best price at the right time.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI chatbots like Claude AI and Cody can answer questions, fix problems, and even finish orders without needing a real person. 

Advertising and campaign optimization

AI is making ads smarter, faster, and more effective. For example, AI can automatically buy and place ads in the right spots at the perfect time. AI is also a whiz at finding the right people for your product. It can figure out who's most likely to be interested and show them ads that actually matter. Plus, AI can test different ads to see what works best and save you tons of time.

Content creation and curation 

AI isn't just about number-crunching. It's also got a creative side. These days, AI can whip up blog posts and write catchy social media captions. With AI, you can have your own helpful content assistant.

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Benefits of AI marketing tools 

By eliminating redundant tasks, giving us smart insights, and letting us talk to customers in a personal way, AI is helping us build better relationships with our audience.

Increased efficiency and productivity

AI marketing tools handle stuff like sending emails and posting on social media. This frees up marketers to focus on big-picture ideas and creative strategies. These tools also make campaigns run smoother by finding the right audience, spending money wisely, and making quick changes when needed. It's like having a marketing autopilot that helps everyone work smarter, not harder.

Enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction

AI helps marketers get to know their customers on a deeper level. By understanding what people like, AI can serve up content that hits the spot. And this keeps customers coming back for more. AI chatbots are available 24/7 to answer questions and solve problems. Plus, AI can predict what people will want next. This helps marketers stay ahead of the curve and offer products or services that people didn't even know they needed.

Improved ROI and marketing effectiveness

AI helps find the perfect audience for your ads. It helps you hit the bullseye. This way, you reach people who are actually interested in what you're selling. Plus, AI is constantly learning and improving, making sure your ad money is working as hard as possible. 

Data-driven decision-making 

AI studies how people behave, how campaigns perform, and what's happening in the market. This enables marketers to predict what's coming next and stay ahead of the game. AI also keeps track of everything, giving you clear numbers on how well things are working. It analyzes your performance and helps you improve.

What are the challenges in using an AI marketing tool?

Data privacy and ethical concerns

The use of AI in marketing relies heavily on data, often involving sensitive customer information. This raises significant privacy and ethical issues. Companies must navigate complex regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensuring that their data collection and usage practices are transparent and compliant. Finding the right balance between offering personalized experiences and respecting customer privacy is a tricky challenge. It's important to have clear rules and guidelines in place to protect people's information.

High initial investment costs

The initial investment required for AI implementation can be prohibitive for many businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises. Costs associated with AI software, hardware, and skilled personnel can add up quickly. Despite the long-term benefits, the upfront expenses may deter companies from adopting AI technologies. Businesses must carefully assess the ROI and seek scalable AI solutions that align with their budget constraints.

Need for continuous learning and adaptation

AI technologies and algorithms are constantly evolving, necessitating ongoing learning and adaptation. Marketers must stay updated with the latest advancements and continually refine their AI marketing strategy to stay competitive. This requires a commitment to continuous education and training, as well as a flexible mindset to adapt to new tools and methodologies.

What are AI tools for marketing?

Customer insights and analytics tools

AI-driven analytics platforms like Google Analytics 4 and IBM Watson Analytics provide deep insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. These tools utilize machine learning algorithms to process vast amounts of data, uncovering patterns and predicting future behaviors. This enables marketers to make data-driven decisions, segment audiences precisely, and tailor their strategies to meet customer needs.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots such as Drift and Intercom handle customer inquiries and support around the clock. These virtual assistants use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to customer queries, providing instant, accurate assistance. They improve customer satisfaction and free up human agents to focus on more complex tasks.

Content creation and curation tools

AI writing tools like and Curata assist marketers in generating and curating content. uses natural language generation to create high-quality written content, from blog posts to social media posts. Curata, on the other hand, helps marketers find and share relevant content from various sources, keeping their audience engaged with fresh, valuable information.

Email marketing automation tools

Platforms such as Smartwriter AI use AI to optimize email marketing campaigns. These tools analyze subscriber behavior to send personalized emails at the right times, improving open and click-through rates. They also provide insights into campaign performance, helping marketers refine their strategies for better results.  

And it’s not just specialized platforms; many website builders, like B12, now offer AI-powered email marketing features right out of the box. This makes it easy for businesses of any size to use these tools to create better email campaigns and build stronger connections with their customers.

SEO optimization tools

AI-powered SEO tools like Neuron Writer help marketers enhance their search engine optimization efforts. These platforms analyze search engine algorithms and user behavior to recommend keywords, optimize content, and improve search rankings. This ensures that websites attract more organic traffic and achieve higher visibility.

The future of AI applications in marketing 

AI is opening up a world of possibilities for creating amazing customer experiences and making marketing smarter and more effective.

AI will handle the mundane tasks, like scheduling posts and analyzing data, so marketers can focus on the fun stuff – being creative and building relationships. Soon, marketers will be able to tailor everything to each individual customer. And AI digital marketing tools can help marketers come up with fresh ideas and create content that really resonates.

The future of marketing with AI is exciting. It's a time for marketing teams to get creative, learn new things, and really push the boundaries of what's possible. Of course, as the best AI marketing tools get more powerful, it's important to use it responsibly. Protecting people's privacy and being transparent about how you use AI is going to be key.

Experience the transformative power of AI in marketing

Looking ahead, the future of AI applications in marketing holds immense promise. At B12, we recognize the transformative power of AI in business operations. Our AI-powered website builder and suite of AI tools are designed to help you navigate the complexities of running a business with ease. 

Whether you're looking to create a stunning website that captures your brand essence or streamline your marketing efforts with data-driven insights, B12's AI solutions are here to support your journey toward success. By harnessing AI technologies, your business can stay agile, innovate faster, and stay ahead of the curve.

Sign up now and let B12 be your partner in harnessing the power of AI. Start in just 60 seconds with a free AI-generated draft and discover how our platform, with tools for email marketing, online conversion, online payments, and more, can help you achieve your goals.

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