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Practical ways to use ChatGPT for your business

15 May, 2023 · 6 min read·AI how-to guides
Practical ways to use ChatGPT for your business
What is ChatGPT and how does it apply to real-world companies? Learn how to easily leverage it for your business.

Following the launch of ChatGPT last year, businesses of all sizes have started experimenting with generative AI. From writing copy to drafting sales pitches, there are significant ways this tool can transform your daily administrative and marketing tasks. 

At this point, we've all marveled at ChatGPT's ability to generate content, learn, and sound human. It's everyone's new AI assistant, which can do everything from writing blogs to drafting everything from outlines to planning strategies. 

Here are just a few practical ways to try ChatGPT for your company.

4 practical ways to use ChatGPT for your business

1. Perform competitor analysis 

Do you know how well your business stands up against others in your field? Competitor analysis helps you evaluate your products, services, and business model compared with leading companies serving your target audience.

Although often a task performed when starting your business, many experts suggest regular competitive analysis to ensure you remain on point with pricing, new entrants, and market trends. Not surprisingly, this is a labor-intensive task. 

Why not ask ChatGPT? In moments, not hours, it can lay the groundwork for a competitive analysis of others. As a reminder, it can't access recent updates or specific information, but it can offer a quick temperature check of your business compared with the market as a whole.

Prompt example: 

[Service Info] A Wisconsin native, I revolutionized 20th-century architecture. Inspired by the low-lying building that dotted the American plains, I created the Prairie House style as a reaction to the prevailing Victorian aesthetic. In its stead, I employed clean geometries with an emphasis on horizontal planes. My most famous building, Falling Water, features stacked rectangular balconies that seem to float over the natural waterfall incorporated into the house.  

[Service info] + Create a list of competitors for [Service] including location, audience, and differentiators details.

For this example, we riffed on the career highlights of the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. ChatGPT returned a long list of competitors and their differentiators, including:

2. Draft a landing page

Whether it's a new service about to launch or a paid ad campaign, you need a new landing page revolving around this offering and specific audience. You could stare at your screen for several hours typing out iteration after iteration — or ask ChatGPT to generate the first draft. This is another great idea pulled from Prompt Engineering Daily.

While you'll likely need to make a few edits to the initial draft, ChatGPT has a remarkable way of breaking through writer's block to create compelling copy that converts.

You also don't have to leave B12 to create your next AI-crafted landing page. Our B12 Editor has an AI Assist feature built right into the platform to help you generate copy for your next website, landing page, and email using generative AI. Throughout the Editor, you'll find AI Assist drop-downs allowing you to select application, tone of voice, and even keywords.

But in case you were already playing around with ChatGPT, here is a sample prompt for a landing page.

Prompt example:

We created a new Trust and Estate planning service for high-net-worth individuals, offering clear, actionable advice and pioneering estate planning practices. We create innovative, personalized strategies to meet clients’ needs and protect financial legacies. We collaborate with clients' advisers, like financial planners, investment advisors, and accountants.

Write copy for a landing page for our [service], targeting high-net-worth individuals. The copy should use markdown to structure the copy with a primary H1 title, followed by an H2 title, and three H3 titles. The first title should explain the problem the audience faces, while there should be several CTAs throughout.

When prompted, ChatGPT drafted the following landing page for our fictional law firm’s new service:

draft a landing page

3. Build a social media calendar

As a professional service provider, you are likely already well aware of just how time-consuming social media production is. Everything from planning content to creating that content takes a surprising amount of backend work.

As an office manager or small business owner, you wear many hats. There are always more urgent tasks to accomplish than the social media plan. It's why many businesses post inconsistently, with no cohesive thread or tone of voice connecting all the dots together.

Enter ChatGPT, your new AI social media content planner. Ask it to create a comprehensive 7-day or 30-day calendar, and it will instantly draft a schedule of daily posts specific to your business, audience, and platform. 

Prompt example: 

You are an experienced social media manager: Generate a 30-day social media calendar for Instagram for our residential real estate company on how our audience can find relevant local real estate listings by signing up for a weekly newsletter roundup of houses for sale.

Using the example above, here are some ideas ChatGPT planned for us — hashtags and emojis included:

4. Ask a CEO for advice

There are business coaches, mastermind circles, and networking events. But these are typically costly, not to mention hard to break into. Plus, you are highly unlikely to run into the likes of Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, or other renowned entrepreneurs to pick their brains on business strategy.

May we suggest asking ChatGPT for personalized insight from top Fortune 500 companies, CEOs, and famous entrepreneurs? With its ability to compile information in seconds, it can quickly distill the world wide web of knowledge from your favorite entrepreneur to apply to your specific circumstance. 

This idea is pulled from Prompt Engineering Daily, where they used AI to answer the question, "How to compete in a market where competitors are far ahead of us?"

Prompt example:

Question: "How to compete in a market where competitors are far ahead of us?" You are Warren Buffet and asked the above question at a board meeting for a wealth management firm. Generate a strategy based on your experience.

In this example, AI Warren Buffet, aka ChatGPT, advised our wealth management company to:

ChatGPT and generative AI is changing the way you do business

The AI revolution is here, and it’s already dramatically changing the way professional service providers are running their business. 

Whether it’s a powerful AI-designed website from B12 or an instant social media calendar populated by ChatGPT, AI is helping business wonders save time and money on everyday tasks that are all-to-often relegated to the back burner. 

Want to see how AI can boost your business? Get started with B12’s highly efficient AI-powered website builder today. With B12, you can also use our AI Assist feature to generate text for your website, emails, and content marketing, and use AI to automate client-facing workflows to save time and speed up onboarding.

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