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IKI.AI - Smart Library and Knowledge Assistant
IKI.AI - Smart Library and Knowledge Assistant




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IKI.AI is like your personal knowledge vault, all set up for you and your team. It helps you store, share, and collaborate on information easily. It’s a platform where you can learn from your colleagues, share your expertise, and brainstorm ideas together. IKI.AI acts as your proactive co-pilot. It makes it easier to remember things, adopt new ideas, and put them into action.


  • Intelligent knowledge interface
  • Searchable
  • Co-pilot
  • Self-organizing
  • Allows for collaboration
  • Extracts knowledge from any source

FAQs About IKI.AI:

  1. What kind of knowledge can I store in IKI.AI?

Say goodbye to digital clutter. IKI.AI is like your personal knowledge vault, putting an end to the endless hunt through folders, bookmarks, and scattered notes. Web pages, PDFs, YouTube tutorials – you can toss it all in IKI.AI, even your own notes and ideas. The best part? Everything gets organized and searchable.

  1. Can I use IKI.AI on my own, or is it designed for teams?

IKI.AI is flexible and works great for teams, too. Everyone can toss in their ideas, articles, notes – anything that keeps the team on the same page. No more information silos or duplicate efforts. With IKI.AI, the whole team benefits from everyone's expertise, making collaboration a breeze.

  1. How does IKI.AI facilitate peer-to-peer learning?

IKI.AI gives you a central space where you and your colleagues can swap ideas and expertise. It’s where everyone can toss in interesting articles they find and spark discussions about tricky projects. You can even leave comments and feedback on each other's notes. This way, the whole crew benefits from the brains of everyone else. 

  1. What does the "proactive co-pilot" function do?

 The "proactive co-pilot" function acts like your personal assistant. It can:

  • Spark new connections and solutions
  • Scan your past work to help you stay on top of the game
  • Help you identify knowledge gaps
  1. Does IKI.AI offer a free plan?

IKI.AI has a free plan that lets you see if it jives with your work style. No pressure to upgrade right away. They do have a paid version called IKI Pro on the horizon. But for now, the free plan is a great way to see what IKI.AI is all about.

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