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How much will web design cost in 2023?

11 November, 2022 · 4 min read·Website design
How much will web design cost in 2023?
Many businesses will be looking to redesign their websites in 2023 to keep up with the latest trends. However, the cost of web design may be impacted by several factors. 

In 2023, it will cost at least an estimated $1,567 to build a new business website. This figure is based on current trends in the web design industry, where the cost of building a website continues to rise each year.

Inflation is predicted to rise by 2.7% in 2023, which could lead to an increase in the cost of web design and digital marketing services. While businesses can take measures to make their website launch more cost-effective, such as using a template or pre-made website, it's likely that some inflation will still affect the overall cost of creating and launching a new website.

A website isn’t something you can avoid or put off for your business, because 46% of consumers don’t trust a business without a website. For this reason, it’s worth taking steps to make your new site more cost-effective, so you don’t blow your entire budget for next year.

What factors affect the cost of web design?

There are several factors that can affect the cost of a website build. The most significant include the size and complexity of the website, as well as the add-on services that are included. Depending on the website solution you use, common add-on services include custom design, copywriting, and SEO.

The increasing popularity of mobile devices may result in more businesses opting for responsive design over traditional website design. This could drive up the cost of web design as responsive design is typically more complex and time-consuming to create. Luckily, now a lot of website builders automatically ensure your site is mobile responsive. 

Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence and chatbots may become more widespread in 2023, which could also increase the cost of web design as these features require additional development time and resources. 

One area where you can’t afford to skimp on quality is website security. The increasing number of cyberattacks and data breaches may lead businesses to invest more in their website security, which could also drive up the cost of web design. It’s worth it though to reassure prospects and clients that their data and details are secure with you. Once you lose their trust, no amount of money can get it back.

Another important factor that can impact the cost of a website is its timing. If a business needs a website built quickly, they may be charged a higher rate than if they have more time to spare. In addition, businesses that require extra features or functionality may also see an increase in price.

How your business can save money on web design 

Launching a website in 2023 for your business can be a great way to create a digital presence and see a great return on investment (ROI). However, there are a few things to keep in mind when launching a website to make sure it's cost-effective and a savvy investment.

Be picky about features and integrations you pay for

You can keep web design costs down by ensuring that your website only includes the features and functionality that your business actually needs. Too often, businesses invest in unnecessary features or designs that don't really add anything to their website. By keeping your website functionality intentional, you can save yourself time and money when it comes to designing and launching your website.

Focus on reducing your reliance on third-party plugins and services you pay separately for. Many plugins and services offer free plans or trial periods, but can quickly become expensive once businesses start using them regularly. Evaluate which plugins are essential for website functionality and look for alternatives that offer similar features but are less expensive or have free versions available.

Streamline and automate your processes

To streamline your web design and development processes, utilize pre-built templates, design tools, and code libraries that reduce the time needed to create new site pages or make changes to existing ones. Leverage freelancer marketplaces like Upwork or Fiverr to find affordable designers and developers who can help with tasks like coding, logo design, or content creation.

Use marketing automation tools to streamline lead capture and nurturing processes. Automated marketing tools can help businesses capture leads more efficiently, nurture them over time, and convert more of them into customers. Many of these tools offer free or low-cost plans that businesses can use to start immediately.

Choose a cost-effective website platform and hosting

The web design platform you choose has an enormous impact on your project’s budget. One cost-effective option is to create your website using a platform like B12. It’s an improvement on a restrictive DIY website builder with no on-platform support and a design agency that costs thousands and is slow to finish. 

B12 is the best way to get all of the online tools and features you need in one place without having to create your website solely on your own. Experts in web design, copywriting, and SEO ensure you launch a professional website with a seamless client experience.

Have a goal for your website

Before you build, make sure you have a clear goal for your website. What do you want it to accomplish? Whether you're looking to generate leads, drive online sales, or simply create awareness of your brand, having a precise goal will help you design and develop your website accordingly, so you don’t overspend or exceed scope.

Stick to a budget

Finally, be sure to budget appropriately for your website. This includes the cost of web hosting, domain name registration, design and development services, and ongoing maintenance and updates. By planning ahead and setting realistic expectations, you can ensure that your website is both cost-effective and delivers a great ROI.

A better way to launch your new website

If you're thinking about building a new website for your business, be sure to factor in these costs and considerations and make sure you're budgeting appropriately. And if you need help getting started, be sure to check out B12 – we can help you build your perfect website without paying separately for your website hosting, design, SEO, and client features. With B12, it’s all built into one platform that enables your business to scale, save time, and serve clients.

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